Our Tokyo apartment

ohh man we are finally here in shibuya 15 hours on an airplane wow lil bit crazy…. fun stuff though got kinda drunk on the airplane watched like 3 movies….. BTW Hancock and the hulk…. not so good at all but strange ass lil independent movie called son of rambow what a strangely good movie….. anyways landing in Japan outside of Tokyo was beautiful reminded me of Austin actually and Tokyo a lil of houston…………. right when we got here we realized we had like 5 minutes to get the code to our hotel or we were SOL for the night……… to be continued

So we finally made it here got off at a random stop in Shibuya early made the call got the code but when we got to our Tokyo apartment we noticed there was a different code for the outside which we did not have so after sitting there for a hour one of our nice neighbors let us in……im not going to lie I really love this apt I could totally live here a lone and the location is great nice lil french type cafe and right next to all the god shopping and clubs….. anyway day one (two for you) we have been up for about 30 hours time to drink more and take it easy got a big day tomorrow peace out ATX

My Tokyo Flat

  Japan Archives   My Tokyo Story   14 Impressive Japanese Innovations

  This post was imported from my old Shibuya Daze Blogger, a drunken, laughable blog intended only for friends that eventually evolved into the HoliDaze Blog and the HoliDaze Travel Community

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About The Author

Jared is an on-and-off traveler and childhood friend of Derek, frequently joining him in random countries on sporadic adventures. If leaving women at an airport were an Olympic event he would surely win the gold. He once even whored himself out and sent the money to Derek so that Derek could buy his way out of a tricky situation. Recently however Jared has been forced back into the 9-5 but hopefully one day soon he will be able to break free again and resume traveling full-time.

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About JWZM

Jared is an on-and-off traveler and childhood friend of Derek, and frequently joins him in random countries for some wild adventures. Recently he has been forced back into the 9-5, but hopefully one day soon he will be able to break free again and resume traveling.

2 thoughts on “Our Tokyo apartment”

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Man what a first day in Tokyo

OMG F’ing Tokyo!
