Hit The Jackpot In Puntarenas!

Trippy Puntarenas
That’s Trippy Shit, Bro

All I can say is we hit the jackpot in Puntarenas.

Hint: figure of history dating back to the Timothy Leary group. ooohhh I’ve said too much already.

Puntarenas Is Awesome! 😉

  This post was imported from the original Shibuya Daze (Blogger, 2008-2011) a drunken, laughable blog intended only for friends. It eventually grew and evolved into the HoliDaze, a travel community with hundreds of articles covering dozens of countries all around the world. Here’s what you should be reading  

About The Author

Jared is an on-and-off traveler and childhood friend of Derek, frequently joining him in random countries on sporadic adventures. If leaving women at an airport were an Olympic event he would surely win the gold. He once even whored himself out and sent the money to Derek so that Derek could buy his way out of a tricky situation. Recently however Jared has been forced back into the 9-5 but hopefully one day soon he will be able to break free again and resume traveling full-time.

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About JWZM

Jared is an on-and-off traveler and childhood friend of Derek, and frequently joins him in random countries for some wild adventures. Recently he has been forced back into the 9-5, but hopefully one day soon he will be able to break free again and resume traveling.

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Monteverde Is The Shit!

Puntarenas: Exactly Where The Universe Wanted Us
