Travel Guides

North Korea

North Korea

North Korea, officially known as the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea (try to say that aloud without laughing), is one of the most reclusive, repressive and ethnically homogeneous countries on earth. Of course all of that only makes me want to visit even more! I am obsessed with North Korea. But right now is not the best time to visit.

Arirang, the annual Mass Games in Pyongyang, North Korea

The time to visit is during Arirang, the annual Mass Games, which are known around the world and have become the country’s #1 positive claim to fame. (Because let’s be honest, the DPRK has countless negative claims to fame, from kidnapping to drug manufacturing to counterfeiting the Supernote — fake $100 USD bills of super high quality, in some cases even better than authentic bills.)

I’m rambling and getting off-topic now, but the point is that all of this ongoing controversy and drama surrounding North Korea only helps it rank higher on the ultimate travel blogger bucket list.

  // fljckr

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Ryugyong Hotel: North Korea’s Failed Attempt At Luxury

Nothing epitomizes the conundrum that is North Korea better than the Ryugyong Hotel in the capital city of Pyongyang. It ...
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North Korea Copies My Blog!

Okay, so they didn’t copy it so much as just use a slightly different version of the same template. But ...
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Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang, North Korea

Ryugyong Hotel: North Korea’s Failed Attempt At Luxury

Nothing epitomizes the conundrum that is North Korea better than the Ryugyong Hotel in the capital city of Pyongyang. It would have been the world’s tallest hotel, had it been completed on time. Instead it has merely become yet another symbol of North Korea’s lofty ambitions and subsequent failure achieve them.   Ryugyong Hotel History … Read more

Screenshot: Official DPRK Site

North Korea Copies My Blog!

Okay, so they didn’t copy it so much as just use a slightly different version of the same template. But still it made Wired news, which I find hilarious. From The Article: The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has a Flash-heavy official webpage in English, to instruct the curious about the peculiar ways of … Read more