Travel Guides



FriFotos is a Twitter travel photography showcase centered around a new theme every week. Anyone is open to participate. Themes are announced every Wednesday and the fun begins on Friday. You can tweet your answers or be a superstar like me and post the photo on your blog.

Since most of my photos have a whole story behind them, I decided to write short posts around each week’s theme. At least I did back in 2013-14……just not since then. How you even found this page is a surprise to me. Here is what you should be reading instead:

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How To Creatively Showcase Your Travel Photos

A staggering 38 billion traditional prints are produced worldwide, proving that the photography output market shows no signs of slowing ...
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FriFotos: Funny Signs Around The World

Few things in life are more amusing in life then those funny signs around the world that you see while ...
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FriFotos: Hot Summer Means Cold Beer!

Regardless of where in the world you may be, or where you may be from, summer is hot. And what ...
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Spectacular Landscape Photos That Will Make You Want To Travel

There are lots of people around the world who have yet to experience the joy of traveling. I understand, sometimes ...
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FriFotos: The Beauty Of Spring Around The World

Around the world spring is always a gorgeous time of year, one that is only surpassed by the majesty of ...
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FriFotos: Photos Of The Coast Around The World

Although I’m more of a mountain person, I’ve definitely visited many great beaches and coastal towns. Since this week’s FriFotos ...
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FriFotos: How To Relax While Traveling

Traveling can be stressful, especially long-term travel. Fortunately there are plenty of ways to relax while traveling, this week’s FriFotos ...
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FriFotos: The Technology That Let Me Travel The Ho Chi Minh Trail

This magnificent piece of machinery is what has allowed me to travel the Ho Chi Minh Trail. It is also ...
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FriFotos: Perched On The Zipline Edge

I love zip-lining new and beautiful locations while traveling — the amazing scenery, adrenaline rush, blast of air in the ...
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FriFotos: Street Meat: As Fresh As It Gets

I love everything about street food. The unparalleled taste. The plastic chairs intended for children. The surrounding ambiance of wherever ...
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FriFotos: Perfect Panoramas From All Over The World…But Which Is Perfect For You?

Everyone has a different idea of perfection so I’ve compiled perfect sights and times from around the world for this ...
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FriFotos: Impressive Flames And Unparalleled Fun At Burning Flipside

“What is Burning Flipside?” you ask. Well, it’s the younger sister of Burning Man, the infamous week-long festival celebrating radical ...
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Hilarious Sign: Better to pay a cook than a doctor

FriFotos: Funny Signs Around The World

Few things in life are more amusing in life then those funny signs around the world that you see while traveling. Some are confusing, others are lost in translation, and a few are just downright hilarious. Here is a collection of the most entertaining signs I have seen in the last six months. Which one … Read more

Spring Orchids In Bloom

FriFotos: The Beauty Of Spring Around The World

Around the world spring is always a gorgeous time of year, one that is only surpassed by the majesty of fall. The flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, newborn animals are plentiful thanks to the favorable conditions and abundance of food. In general every color is brilliant, even sound invigorating, even breath refreshing…sometimes you can … Read more

Marina Bay, Singapore

FriFotos: Photos Of The Coast Around The World

Although I’m more of a mountain person, I’ve definitely visited many great beaches and coastal towns. Since this week’s FriFotos theme is coast let me share with you some of my favorite coastal locations. >View The Post:   >View The Post:   Sabtang Island: Jewel Of Batanes Where Is Your Favorite Coast? View The FriFotos … Read more

Zip-lining Ohio

FriFotos: Perched On The Zipline Edge

I love zip-lining new and beautiful locations while traveling — the amazing scenery, adrenaline rush, blast of air in the face, and if you have a GoPro the awesome footage. I however do not have a GoPro, at least not yet. But I’m getting off-topic. Since this week’s FriFotos theme is EDGES I figured I … Read more

Burning Flipside Effigy Burn

FriFotos: Impressive Flames And Unparalleled Fun At Burning Flipside

“What is Burning Flipside?” you ask. Well, it’s the younger sister of Burning Man, the infamous week-long festival celebrating radical self-expression, love, art, and yes, other less than admirable qualities including — but not limited to — excessive drug and alcohol use, nudity, and sex. However if any of my burner (the term for regular … Read more