
FriFotos: A Luxe Break From Backpacking Asia While In Vietnam

Twelve hours ago I arrived in Hanoi for the start of my three months in Vietnam looking for a change of pace from life in Indonesia. Rather than travel the traditional south-north route — or vice versa — I will be using Hanoi as my home base for tons of short trips around the country. As such it only makes sense to have an apartment here. And this just so happens to fit perfectly with this week’s FriFotos theme, luxe.

My Hanoi, Vietnam Apartment
At 150m² (1600 sq ft) this place is definitely a treat

Located in the northern part of the city right on the lake, this rooftop flat is immaculate. Much more space than I’ve had on the road this last year and especially since I made the switch to living life out of a backpack instead of always returning home in between trips. Plus the place has hot water, something that seems like a luxury after island-hopping around the Philippines and Indonesia for so long.

View From My Hanoi, Vietnam Apartment
I will be doing a lot of travel writing from the table…although I may have to move one of the comfy indoor chairs outside 😉

While this is in no means like some of the luxurious places I have indulged at in the past, it is definitely a change of pace from my home in Jakarta and a nice break from the road.

View From My Hanoi, Vietnam Apartment
Much better view than I was expecting. Good morning, Vietnam!

  This is my first trip to Hanoi so if you have any suggestions for good places to eat or sights to see then please leave me a comment below…thanks!

View From My Hanoi Apartment
Facing east. Expect a few sunrise photos at some point in the future.

What Should I Do In Hanoi?

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About Derek Freal

"Some people eat, others try therapy. I travel."   Cultural enthusiast. Adrenaline junkie. Eater of strange foods. Chasing unique and offbeat adventures around the world since 2008. Derek loves going to new destinations where he does not speak a word of the local language and must communicate with hand gestures, or places where he is forced to squat awkwardly to poo -- supposedly its healthier and more efficient. For more information (about Derek, not squat pooing) including popular posts and videos, check out his bio.

9 thoughts on “FriFotos: A Luxe Break From Backpacking Asia While In Vietnam”

    • The street food is definitely a given — that was the first thing I investigated after dropping off my bags and getting showered. Will check out Hang Manh Bun Cha once I make my way to the Old Quarter. Thanks for the tip, hope all is well on your end. Let me know if anything else pops into mind 🙂

  1. Eat street food, go to Halong Bay, enjoy the view. That is what you should do. Wait, before that, what a fcking awesome apartment man! This is so nice, near the lake and with the view plus the cold weather of Hanoi. Just nice!

    And you know what should you do in Hanoi?

    Go to a post office and please send me a postcard from there! Hahaha

    • One and three are already being done on a daily basis 😉 Haven’t accomplished your second suggestions yet though.

      Wait…they still sell postcards? Wow I haven’t sent one in years. Okay well if I pass any for sale then I’ll pick up a few and send one your way 🙂

      • Haha.

        Yes, they still have.

        I make it a point to send at least a self-post postcard just to collect it. It is fun you know. Like waiting for a postcard from your oldself while travelling. ;D

        Jyeahhh! Haha. If you found one and want to send one, I would be more than happy to give you my address. 🙂


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