FriFotos: Hot Summer Means Cold Beer!

Regardless of where in the world you may be, or where you may be from, summer is hot. And what better on a hot day then a source of cold refreshment? For kids this means a swimming hole, river or pond, but for us adults, particularly we men, this means an ice cold beer.

Victory beer in Mexico
” No electronics today. “

Preferably a beach beer…

Summer beer in Bali
My friend Riyanni taunting me from Bali, pointing out that I still have 172 days until I can return to Indonesia.

But craft beer tastings are also refreshing

Rockmill Brewery craft beer
Some delicious craft brews at a food- and beer-paired dinner with Rockmill Brewery.

Especially when tasted fresh at the brewery

Yebisu beer sample
Yebisu Beer Museum in Ebisu, Shibuya ward, Tokyo, Japan

Or when enjoyed instead of while working.

Beer while working
I work well with beer…helps me focus

The more friends the better the beer gets.

Summer beer with my buddy!
Enjoying pitchers of local beer on tap with my buddy Ryan of Just Chuckin’ It

Beers With Friends
A group of beer buddies

Beer @ Lucifer In Jogja
One year later and I could not tell you a single person’s name now…

The Beauty Of Beer

It varies greatly between regions and countries.   Quickest way to make new friends.   When paired with the right food it becomes priceless.   The perfect reward.   “Ahhh beer…the cause of — and solution to — all of life’s problems” ~Homer Simpson

Summer Beer

So the next time you think of summer, be sure to think of ice cold beer as well. You cannot have one without the other 😉

What is your favorite beer?  

Enjoy it? Tell a friend
About Derek Freal

"Some people eat, others try therapy. I travel."   Cultural enthusiast. Adrenaline junkie. Eater of strange foods. Chasing unique and offbeat adventures around the world since 2008. Derek loves going to new destinations where he does not speak a word of the local language and must communicate with hand gestures, or places where he is forced to squat awkwardly to poo -- supposedly its healthier and more efficient. For more information (about Derek, not squat pooing) including popular posts and videos, check out his bio.

9 thoughts on “FriFotos: Hot Summer Means Cold Beer!”

  1. I’m in Austin as I type this but trying to finish some work up and get south of the border fast, back to somewhere I can travel cheap and work from a hammock. How have you been?

  2. Shiiiiiiiiiit Jesse they didn’t even notice my “deported” stamp hahaha….but they did take me aside for special screening because I have “been abroad visiting a Muslim country for over a year.” So many things wrong with that :/

  3. Love the article Derek, beer does make the day pass more enjoyably. I love the caption for the picture where one year on you can’t remember a single name of anyone else in the picture 🙂

    I very much enjoy our British “bitter”, what you guys often refer to as a dark beer. I go for things such as Tetley’s, John Smiths, Worthingtons and so on. It tastes fantastic in the homeland but really does not travel well at all. It is difficult to find on my travels then when I do it is very expensive and doesn’t taste that great.

    Good to see you are back home and settled for a while. Will it be long before your travels begin again?

    • Ahhh yes those look like my kind of beers, although I have yet to try any of those particular three. In Singapore there are several great places to get classy, hard-to-find, or just downright expensive beers. Other than that Asia is pretty much a bust beer-wise. Love the food, the cultures, but most of the beer there is like water.

      As far as my travels, I’m just calling this a 2-wk vacation. A chance to indulge in some of the foods and friends I’ve missed. Plan on leaving after this and heading back to Central America, hanging around until TBEX, and then back to Asia or maybe over to India. Don’t really know. But I do know I officially f’d up my whole one-way land travel RTW adventure hahaha. Oops.

      Ever been to any of the TBEX events? I have a feeling you would really enjoy them. Come join us in Cancun or Athens if you get the chance 🙂

      • I’ve not been to any blogging conferences yet. My travel is mostly work dictated so it would be hard to co-ordinate with business travel. When I’m not travelling I’m catching up with my wife so it is a mix of priorities really. Maybe one day?


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