
I Just Met My Future Wife!!!!

The subject about says it all but at the same time it says nothing about what has really transpired during our final days in Japan. I mean where do I begin?!? So much done, so much to tell… Do you realize that during all this last week here in Tokyo I only slept for about 8-10 hrs? So much going on and I did not want to miss a thing 😉

I just met my future wife.

The thing that really still trips me out is Jared and I had already done and seen so much, there was no way that we would have thought Tokyo could show us something new, especially during these final few weeks. Oh man how wrong we were. We finally found a whole new and more personal side of Tokyo, one we both fell even more in love with than we already were, more than we ever thought possible! It all started a couple weeks ago when Jared and I met these two businessmen. The older of the two was named ███████ and believe it or not he was a fucking celebrity, a goddamn real life playboy!

Japanese Rapper Birthday Party
Attended the VIP birthday party of D.O, head rapper of the Japanese hip-hop group Motha Fuckerz

Anyway, between meeting ███████ on Monday night and Wednesday morning we: got into two clubs for free and had all our drinks comp’d, met a famous rapper and attended his VIP party, experienced a real authentic sushi bar and ate everything imaginable — from eel to squid to salmon to octopus to tuna to a dozen other fish I have not ever heard of, and even some things that weren’t fish at all, like sea urchin — we tracked down some pot and got absolutely ripped, and even each both found our future wives ha ha!

Drinking and playing darts in Ebisu, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo

Best part is, we have contact information for all these people, they all love us and are looking forward to hanging out more when we return from the Philippines, and will be willing to use their connections to help us get settled and get jobs no worries. For example, Yoshi, who owns his own business, said he could get me into some modeling to start with, then go from there.

Anyway, because so much happened and Jared and I got so far behind on our email and our posting, the only time we finally got to write about anything was at the airport and plane to the Philippines, then during the four-hr van ride from Manila to Subic Bay — though honestly I spent most of my time checking the scenery out the windows and not writing; there was plenty of beer in the van but no women as originally planned. It was cool though, I was still thinking about nothing but my future wife, Mayu.

The Kiss with my future wife
Mayu and I caught in the moment by a cameraman.

So, because all this writing was done without internet access, nearly done getting it copied online and decorated with photos…so stay tuned! It is a great read folks, you cannot believe all the shit that has gone down this last week! Jared is sad to be going home by himself ha ha! Lucky me gets to return to Tokyo after this trip.

Give me your feedback after reading, I am curious to hear what everyone thinks. We are just chilling at this resort on the bay here in the Philippines right now. Its off-season so it is just us with like 8 or 10 “ladies” — I don’t want to call them prostitutes, they are so nice! — and we both noticed the looks from everyone even as we walked in. As the owner Tom told us, they are used to the old overweight Viagra guys, not too young good-looking white guys. But I’ll save that for my next blog, and trust me, that will be a good one! I’ve already done enough writing today.

Sunset in the Philippines...heaven!

More RantsMore AdventuresSo Much To Say About The Philippines!

  This post was imported from my old Shibuya Daze Blogger, a drunken, laughable blog intended only for friends that eventually evolved into The HoliDaze — Why are you reading this old post when you could be reading about all my other exciting adventures and mishaps

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About Derek Freal

"Some people eat, others try therapy. I travel."   Cultural enthusiast. Adrenaline junkie. Eater of strange foods. Chasing unique and offbeat adventures around the world since 2008. Derek loves going to new destinations where he does not speak a word of the local language and must communicate with hand gestures, or places where he is forced to squat awkwardly to poo -- supposedly its healthier and more efficient. For more information (about Derek, not squat pooing) including popular posts and videos, check out his bio.

1 thought on “I Just Met My Future Wife!!!!”

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oh man wow injured in tokyo

Tokyo may I ask you a question?
