The Indonesia Tour de Horror 2014

Meski di Vietnam sekarang saya berpikir tentang Indonesia setiap hari. Aku kangen teman-teman saya disana, pantai bagus, wanita cantik, tapi banyak saya rindu makanan maknyuus. Pada April 24 Vietnam visa saya habis dan kemudian gue pulang ke Indonesia. Tapi mau apa ketika saya kembali? Saya sudah jalan-jalan semua Java, Bali, dan Lombok pakai motor. Sudah melakukan video pendek dengan teman saya Riyanni. Melakukan New Famili 100 dengan teman saya Jenn. Apa mungkin aku bisa lakukan untuk melebihi semua itu?

New Famili 100
Tim saya dengan Tukul Arwana

Although I am in Vietnam right now I still think about Indonesia every day. I miss my friends, the great beaches, the beautiful women, and most of all the delicious food! On April 24th my Vietnam visa expires and then I will be heading home to Indonesia. But what to do when I get back? I’ve already motorcycled all of Java, Bali, and Lombok. I did a short tourism film with my friend Riyanni. I got to go on national TV and do a game show with my friend Jenn. What can I possibly do to top all of that?

New Famili 100
Gue joget di New Famili 100 ๐Ÿ˜‰

Kemudian saya punya ide!

  And then it hit me!

Indonesia punya tempat berhantu banyak… jadi mengapa tidak jalan-jalan ke sebanyak mungkin lokasi berhantu yang aku bisa! Coba lihat apa petualangan menakutkan yang gue dapat temukan! Aku juga bisa rekam semua itu pada video dan buat YouTube series untuk dokumentasikan penemuan saya. Itu akan jadi riset yang bagus juga untuk buku pertama saya — yang akan berisi tentang Indonesia ๐Ÿ™‚ Ketika bule pikir tentang Indonesia mereka hanya tahu Bali. Gue mau buktikan kalau ada banyak hal lain di negara menakjubkan ini dan tidak cuma satu pulau.

Indonesia has no shortage of haunted sites…so why not travel around and visit as many haunted places as I can! Let’s see what kind of scary adventures I can get myself into. Plus I can document it all on video and do a series of YouTube videos (or vlogs) documenting my findings. It will also be great research for my first book — which will be on Indonesia ๐Ÿ™‚ When foreigners think of Indonesia they only think of Bali. I want to prove that there is so much more to this amazing country that just that one island.

The Tour de Horror: Lawang Sewu di Semarang
Lawang Lawang Sewu di Semarang. Foto dari Harian Semarang

Jadi di bulan Mei gue akan pergi untuk Tur de Horor, petualangan besar ke sebanyak mungkin lokasi berhantu di Indonesia yang gue bisa temukan. Satu2nya masalah? Indonesia adalah negara besar dan gue baru enam bulan disana, gue tidak mungkin tau semua lokasi berhantu. Itu adalah kenapa saya perlu bantuan kamu. Saya mau kamu memberitahu ke mana saya harus pergi jadi gue bisa mulai merencanakan rute saya.

So this May I will be departing on my Tour de Horror, a grand adventure to as many haunted locations in Indonesia as I can find. The only problem? Indonesia is such a huge country and having only spent six months there, I cannot possibly hope to know of all the haunted hotspots. That is why I need your help. I want you to tell me where to go visit so that I can start planning a route.

Kamu tau lokasi berhantu di Indonesia?

Pernah dengar cerita horor yang bagus?

Maka silakan beri komentar di bawah (dlm bhs Indo
atau inggris) dan rekomendasikan ke saya!

Do you know of a haunted place in Indonesia?

Heard any great Indonesian ghost stories?

Then please comment below (in English or Bahasa
Indonesia) and recommend them to me!

  Lokasi termasuk: Lawang Sewu di Semarang, Tugu Hotel di Malang, dan……?
Locations include: Lawang Sewu in Semarang, Tugu Hotel in Malang, and……?

Makasih banyak, kamu gokil!

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About Derek Freal

"Some people eat, others try therapy. I travel." ย  Cultural enthusiast. Adrenaline junkie. Eater of strange foods. Chasing unique and offbeat adventures around the world since 2008. Derek loves going to new destinations where he does not speak a word of the local language and must communicate with hand gestures, or places where he is forced to squat awkwardly to poo -- supposedly its healthier and more efficient. For more information (about Derek, not squat pooing) including popular posts and videos, check out his bio.

42 thoughts on “The Indonesia Tour de Horror 2014”

  1. maybe you should watch “masih dunia lain” in trans 7 every night derek. you can use it for recommendation.oh and don’t forget the bintaro know it was haunted because bintaro train accident who killed hundreds people

  2. wow…makin keren Bahasa Indonesianya! ๐Ÿ˜€
    since I’m not into mystical things (read: scared) i can’t give you many references. but you could start from Jakarta at Museum Fatahilah and Gedung Arsip Nasional. i hear many ghost stories at those two places.

  3. You should visit Alas Purwo National Park in Banyuwangi. Alas Purwo is the center of the kingdom of spirits in Banyuwangi to Situbondo.

  4. Sekitar Borobudur di malam hari (saya mengalaminya sendiri) dan hutan Alas roban di antara Semarang dan Jepara, as I remember….

    I like the idea, definitely will buy your book about all those haunted location. Hiiyy…:)))

  5. Di jogja khususnya di gunung bangkel angker banget dulu pernah buat syuthing 2 dunia sama di jembatan watu adeg’ berbah dan yang baru adalah candi abang lokasinya di bukit…

  6. Oooh!! This sounds amazing! I’m so looking forward to it! I’d love to do a haunted tour of some kind one day. Unfortunately, while living in Singapore I only spent 9 days in Indonesia (all in Bali) so I can’t give you suggestions but I’m excited to see what you get into. ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Tsk tsk tsk….you really need to explore more of this country than Bali. Out of all my time here I only spent 9 days in Bali and that was about 7 days too much for me. I’ve found so many better places here…but if I continue on I’ll just be repeated what I said in the article. Anyway, when you plan to come back to Indonesia for another trip please let me know ahead of time and I’ll help you out ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Hi Derek, ever heard of SMAN 5 Bandung? It’s a famous public school in Bandung (I went there, too). It’s also famous for its ghosts, it’s one of Bandung’s urband legends ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I’ve been to Bandung but not SMAN 5. Is this the one Trinity wrote about? She gave me a hard time today b/c a while back she gave me a copy of her newest book, Across The Indonesian Archipelago, before it was even released. In it she mentions her haunted experiences in Bandung — unfortunately I am ashamed to admit that I haven’t had time to read it yet. Now I have to find a way to make it up to her…

      Anyway thanks Erica, appreciate the tip — but even more so if it is different than the place Trinity wrote about. Let me know please, thanks so much!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. Dereeeeek, Kamu gokil!
    Terkesima dengan tulisan pertama kamu dalam bahasa Indonesia. Saya sangat suka tulisanmu! Perfect untuk seukuran Bule yang baru tinggal 6 bulan di Indonesia. Dan terimakasih akan kesukaanmu terhadap Indonesia.
    Mengenai tempat horor selain Lawang sewu, Samudera Beach Pangandaran, Goa Jepang di Lembang Bandung, Gua Kontilola, Papua, Pulau Kumala, Tenggarong. Selamat berwisata!

  9. Sudah pernah ke Medan? Coba rumah tua Tjong A Fie dan istana Deli, dan bbrp rumah kosong yg tidak ditempati setelah kasus pembunuhan!!

  10. Derek!!!

    Akhirnya kamu bisa juga menulis dalam dua-dua bahasa ini ya mas! Haha. Aku bangga sama kamu! Apapun, Lawang Sewu memang tempat terbaik. Duluan aku pernah ke sana, tahun 2012, masuk ke terowongnya, memang horror gitu suasananya! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Nunggu sama kisah petualangan kamu!!

  11. Wah, lumayan ya bahasa Indonesia kamu. Kamu belajar ini semua dalam 6 bulan? Keren. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’m seriously so jealous right now. As soon as Canadian immigration finishes doing their paperwork, I have plans to cover all Indonesian provinces. Unfortunately they’re not known for efficiency, but I’ll get there!

  12. Try the haunted house in west surabaya near SCTV station There’s rumour that all the family was killed because of black magic back story

  13. Haunted places in Indonesia? Banyak banget, itu berawal karena mitos.
    Sudah pernah ke Bukittingi, Sumatra Barat? Coba ke Gua Jepang itu cukup seram, kalau pengunjungnya tidak terlalu ramai, dan di pintu keluar gua kamu bisa masuk ke ngarai sianok itu bagus banget.
    Kalau untuk di pulau Jawa, pantai ngeliyep dan pulau sempu di Malang Selatan, Jawa Timur juga seram karena tempatnya terpencil. No electricity and signal in there.

  14. bro, kebetulan sekarang gua lagi pegang program Mitos di kompas TV, jadi kita bisa ngobrol ngobrol kalau mau tahu tempat tempat berhantu di indo .

  15. Hey Derek, apakah kamu tau daerah Kotagede di Yogykarta. Disana menyediakan tur jalan – jalan malam mengelilingi kawasan Kotagede. Selamat menikmati petualanganmu di Indonesia

  16. Wah Derek,

    Baru baca blog kamu.. like it so much… Karena kamu jelajah Indonesia gak cuma tempat2 yg biasa dikunjungi turis..
    I hope it’s not too late to suggest some ideas. Yang ini deket2 kok sekitar Jabodetabek:

    – Rel kereta Bintaro (where BIG ACCIDENT happened)
    – RSCM (Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo). A national referral hospital, where almost every anonymous dead bodies from whatever accidents/homicide/suicide got their autopsies.. Check out especially the morgue, and the bridge which can lead you to stasiun Cikini.
    -Universitas Indonesia Salemba .. lots of stories here, it basically in the same complex with RSCM. Kalau RSCM masih ramai dengan pasien saat malam hari, kamu bisa ke kampusnya, yang dekat fakultas kedokteran. Yang bagian belakang itu lho…
    – Universitas Indonesia Depok. Nice urban forests and lakes, full of students during the day, but at night… it will be something else.
    – Rumah Pondok Indah (one of the house in PI), don’t know if this still true
    – Museums in Jakarta
    – Jembatan Ancol… (it’s really famous, a sinetron was made based on this) But I don’t know.. it’s getting more crowded in Jakarta. Kadang saya berpikir, gak cuma manusia yang harus tergusur dari Jakarta, setan pun juga harus minggir saking Jakarta sudah penuh. LOL
    – My office, 4th floor… after 9 pm haha!

    Atau coba daftar reality show di Indonesia. Kamu bisa jadi volunteer…

    • Whoa! Appreciate all the suggestions. Some I have heard of and some are new to me. And thanks glad to hear that you like my blog too ๐Ÿ™‚ Wow now its definitely time to do another round ๐Ÿ˜€ I never had any luck spotting any ghosts before but someone pointed out that I’m not a super spiritual person, that I need someone who is more…ummm…susceptible to spirits to be my partner in crime for this expedition haha ๐Ÿ˜‰
      P.S. my apologies for the late response it’s been a crazy year. Will let you know if I get that reality show ๐Ÿ˜‰


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