Live Broadcasting Our Rickshaw Run!

In two days I’ll be arriving in India to begin final preparations for the Rickshaw Run, which begins April 6th. One of the unique things my team and I have decided to do with this project is to strap four GoPros on our rickshaw and record every teeth-rattling nail-biting “oh crap I think I just peed my pants” moment.

A thank you from team Teen Romanchak Yaar for supporting our Rickshaw Run!

Live Streaming Videos

  We will be posting short clips of this footage on YouTube daily starting April 6th, as well periodically live streaming from the rickshaw using a new app called Meerkat.

  Live streaming times will be posted on our Rickshaw Run page

Daily Rickshaw Recap Show

Every night once we’ve parked our rickshaw we’ll also be shooting a 10-15 minute Romanchak Rickshaw Recap. It will feature the three of us talking about our progress that day, where we are now, and anything crazy or interesting that happened — as well as video clips from that days journey.

  Posted daily at 1700 UTC — more info on our Rickshaw Run page

Twitter Chats

Although we will all be tweeting all day from the road — yes, even the driver — we also will be online after posting the recap video to answer any questions or share more stories. Follow along using our team hashtag   #TeenRomanchakYaar

Rickshaw Run April 2015...T-15 days

  Much thanks to Ross at Travelling For Fun for the photo 🙂

And Everything Else

Of course we will also be uploading photos to Instagram, posting short live clips to Vine, providing daily updates on Facebook, and yes, even posting to Google+ as well. No matter what social media site you prefer, we will be there.

So Be Sure To Follow Along!




Follow Along Via Email

We have started a Rickshaw Run ONLY newsletter that will be used to notify our most loyal supporters of new videos, crazy stories and other goodies before we go live with them via social media. So, if you want to be the first to know, I highly recommend typing in your email addy here:

In Closing…

I’m not even going to tell you how much money we spent in total on Rickshaw Run entry fees, plane tickets, visas, hotels, rickshaw deposit, rickshaw supplies, and electronics gear to compete in this event. Safe to say that just for my portion alone could have funded my nomadic lifestyle for several months, instead of just two weeks of white-knuckle fun.

We Are Trying To Raise $1,000 To Purchase Our Remaining Necessities

After unsuccessfully trying to get Western Digital, Seagate, and a whole slew of other technological brands to sponsor us, we started a fundraiser to help us buy the extra gear we need to film the Rickshaw Run in all its maddening glory. So far we have raised more than 50% of our goal but time is running short!

If you have a few dollars that you can spare, please support us. As a way of showing thanks we will mail you a gift from India after the race:

Thank You All SOOOOO Much!

We appreciate all your support (in no particular order): Nellie Huang, Susan Magee, Lauren Bassart, Amrita Das, JD Degtjarewsky, Sandy Andrews, Lola Dimarco, Shane Yeager, Sunil Sharma, Julie Greene, Kat Simpson and four additional donors who wish to remain anonymous :) Thanks to all your help we are more than halfway to our $1,000 goal!

Thanks again everyone and keep an eye on the mail next month for your gift from India!

(And if you happy to have any bored millionaires as friends, please do send them our way. Thanks!)

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About Derek Freal

"Some people eat, others try therapy. I travel."   Cultural enthusiast. Adrenaline junkie. Eater of strange foods. Chasing unique and offbeat adventures around the world since 2008. Derek loves going to new destinations where he does not speak a word of the local language and must communicate with hand gestures, or places where he is forced to squat awkwardly to poo -- supposedly its healthier and more efficient. For more information (about Derek, not squat pooing) including popular posts and videos, check out his bio.

6 thoughts on “Live Broadcasting Our Rickshaw Run!”

    • Beer? I like beer! Haven’t had any in forever too. That six-week housesit in the middle of nowhere in Malaysia was rough. But ohhh so nice too, got a lot of work done. Anyway, see ya soon buddy!

  1. I’m sure we will too — just like I’m sure you’ll be living vicariously through others for the next several years 😉 So we’ll make sure to do it right and honor your can-do and will-do spirit along the journey.

    • Love ya too Rutavi, that’s why we invited you to join us 🙂 And that’s good, because crazy is my middle name. You know in Indonesia they call me “bule tergila” which translates as “the craziest white guy” hahaha 😛


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