Travel Guides

Rants & Rambles

Rants & Rambles

I‘m a natural storyteller. Not stories as in fantasies, stories as in unbelievable adventures. Call it lucky or unlucky but either way my life is never boring. Anyone who has ever met me in real life can testify that I have some damn entertaining stories. The situations I manage to get myself into never cease to amaze me. From being locked up abroad to partying with celebrities, there is no telling what’s going to happen with each new country. And yes, sometimes my stories turn into rants and rambles. Sometimes the views expressed here may be a little controversial. Sometimes the stuff I say might even offend you. But you know what? That’s why you read these rants and rambles. So enjoy!

Recent Rants And Rambles

One Night In Bangkok And The World’s Your Oyster…

Having spent two weeks checking out the Bangkok nightlife I can now say that I understand and appreciate the words ...
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Kebun Binatang Bandung: The Most Depressing Zoo Ever?

Zoos, although an educational and inspiring experience for children, often caused mixed feelings among adults. It is rare that I ...
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38 Experiences To Add To Your Travel Bucket List

I recently reflected on some of the amazing travel adventures I’ve experienced thus far it my lifetime in my 46 ...
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Travel Wisdom: 4 Years & 16 Countries Later…

What’s the difference between a tourist and a traveler? Tourists are only on vacation while a true traveler is in ...
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What Is Your Travel Personality (Quiz)

I’ve traveled to nearly 50 nations, lived and worked in six different countries and combined a long term career break ...
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25 Lessons I’ve Learned From Traveling

Having the opportunity, freedom and desire to travel has created endless opportunities for me to visit countries outside of my ...
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Where Would You Travel If Cost Didn’t Matter?

Let’s say you have a month of freedom…where would you travel to and why? There is only one catch: it ...
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Water Wars: Growing Tension Between Bangladesh & India

Have you ever heard of Bangladesh? It’s okay to say no, you won’t be the first one…and I’m sure you ...
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Random Travel Facts: The Final Round

Missed Any Facts? Collection #01 Collection #02 Collection #03 It is with a little bit of sadness that I announce ...
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Random, Interesting and Useless Travel Facts

Like a good cheese or a fine wine, the list of HoliDaze #TravelFacts just keeps getting better with age. I ...
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Some People Eat, Others Try Therapy. I Travel. But Why Do You Travel?

For those of you who read last week’s post about our new slogan debate and Jared and I’s differing views ...
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More Random Yet Interesting Travel Facts

The first interesting Travel Facts article was just not enough, I still have over a hundred more! And given the ...
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Bangkok Nightlife @ Patpong

One Night In Bangkok And The World’s Your Oyster…

Having spent two weeks checking out the Bangkok nightlife I can now say that I understand and appreciate the words to the One Night In Bangkok song that much better. But before I get into the sordid stories of Thailand‘s capital city after dark, let me just first say a few things: I came to … Read more

Travel off the beaten path with the HoliDaze

25 Lessons I’ve Learned From Traveling

Having the opportunity, freedom and desire to travel has created endless opportunities for me to visit countries outside of my own, explore different cultures and meet a variety of diverse and interesting characters. Over the years I’ve lost count of the all the profound, inspirational and sometimes most basic of lessons learned from traveling, but … Read more

Where Would You Travel If Cost Didn’t Matter?

Let’s say you have a month of freedom…where would you travel to and why? There is only one catch: it is July, the peak of the Western summer, and heat is the biggest factor to consider. Why do I ask? Well, as of now I have plane tickets from Mexico City to Havana. Awesome because … Read more

Open roads on the Rickshaw Run

Random Travel Facts: The Final Round

Missed Any Facts? Collection #01 Collection #02 Collection #03 It is with a little bit of sadness that I announce this final round of #TravelFacts. While I am sure more exist, by this point there are just too scattered and obscure for me to focus my time hunting for. The day I get an intern … Read more