Thai Bus Porn: 35 Revealing Photos

Thai buses are sexy, absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. Smooth curves. Flawless style and grace. A beautiful exterior that conceals the workhorse within. The envy of every foreigner. And the ability to fit 38 people comfortably inside. Yes, the magnificent buses of Thailand are some of the fanciest in the world.

  But first a gift for all you Pinners 😉

Smooth curves. Flawless style and grace. A beautiful exterior that conceals the workhorse within. The envy of every foreigner. Yes, Thai buses are sexy. Very sexy. Welcome to #Thailand #travel #photography #holidaze

Thai bus porn
Buses in Thailand are like karaoke bars on wheels Karaoke + Angry Birds = Thai First Class

Think Karaoke Bar On Wheels

Food. Alcohol. Wifi. Television screens. And a surprisingly loud sound system (which unfortunately is sometimes used for karaoke). And of course countless flashing, spinning and whirling neon disco lights. (Admit it, until the disco lights, you were kind of actually looking forward to these buses, no?) The buses in Thailand turn an ordinarily fast and reckless bus ride into a drunken party on wheels…that also happens to be a fast and reckless bus ride, you just don’t really care as much because you’re getting hammered and belting out off-key tones in what you think is a good voice.

Thai bus porn
Thai bus porn
Thai bus porn
Thai bus porn Locals laughing at my fascination with Thai buses
Thai bus porn
These buses tower over everything around them, especially when they roll into small Thai coastal villages and piers.
Thai bus porn
Thai bus porn
Thai bus porn

Colorful artwork is mandatory on all the fancy Thai buses.

  The VIP buses of Pakistan may not be as flashy outside but they are much more decadent inside, even more than the Delhi-Kathmandu Express Mecredes buses with all of their electrical outlets and ability to turn off the speaker to your seat. Some of the VIP buses in Pakistan apparently even include a waitress to serve you!

Buses in Thailand come standard with wild exterior artwork
Buses in Thailand come standard with wild exterior artwork

What does the inside look like?

Stepping into the driver’s cab, there is a staircase on the wraps that leads to the upstairs. Behind the driver’s seat is a large cab with bed, electrical outlets and storage. It takes a three-person team manage these buses, which is why there are two seats up front in addition to the sleeping quarters.

The driver's area on Thai buses is huge and includes sleeping quarters

The driver's area on Thai buses is huge and includes sleeping quarters

The driver’s area resembles a space shuttle cockpit

The driver's area on Thai buses is huge and includes sleeping quarters

The driver's area on Thai buses is huge and includes sleeping quarters

Let’s go upstairs….

With stairs this brightly lit you know there is a party upstairs (not a good Thai bus for those who like to sleep on the road)

Thai buses comes loaded with neon lights -- it's like a disco on wheels!

Normal lights         Party lights

Thai buses comes loaded with neon lights -- it's like a disco on wheels!

Every bus in Thailand loves to brag about how VIP it is

The buses in Thailand come loaded with all the amenities you need for a comfortable journey

The buses in Thailand come loaded with all the amenities you need for a comfortable journey

The buses in Thailand come loaded with all the amenities you need for a comfortable journeyApparently this bus is the 21+ only bus 😉

The buses in Thailand come loaded with all the amenities you need for a comfortable journeyThis busy may claim to be VIP but given the half-assed job they did fixing the mirror, not so sure I would trust this one

Imagine seeing this in your rear-view mirror

Imagine seeing this monster in your rear-view mirror

Imagine seeing this monster in your rear-view mirror When this bus honks at you, you hear it! Thankfully here in Thailand no one uses their horn as relentlessly as they do in India or Indonesia

Imagine seeing this monster in your rear-view mirror

The Michelin man is everywhere

For some strange reason the Michelin man adorns every single fancy bus in Thailand despite the fact that most Thai buses either use Maxxis or Bridgestone tires.

Thai buses love the Michelin man despite the fact they don't even use Michelin tires

Thai buses love the Michelin man despite the fact they don't even use Michelin tires

Thai buses love the Michelin man despite the fact they don't even use Michelin tires

What powers these asphalt monsters?

This beast of an engine. To facilitate airflow the back of Thai buses is designed with large openings that will allow you to see the engine running while driving down the highway. When stopped the doors are fully opened to allow for maximum cooling.

Buses in Thailand come with a powerful, sexy engine

Thai buses driving down the highway

Travel Bloggers + Thai Buses

Back in February I flew in to Thailand for a conference on adventure travel and sustainable tourism. Along with several other bloggin’ buddies, including @XpatMatt and @GlobalHelpSwap, and the Tourism Authority of Thailand was nice enough to rent a couple of these party buses for us 😉

Know of any other wild buses around the world?

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About Derek Freal

"Some people eat, others try therapy. I travel."   Cultural enthusiast. Adrenaline junkie. Eater of strange foods. Chasing unique and offbeat adventures around the world since 2008. Derek loves going to new destinations where he does not speak a word of the local language and must communicate with hand gestures, or places where he is forced to squat awkwardly to poo -- supposedly its healthier and more efficient. For more information (about Derek, not squat pooing) including popular posts and videos, check out his bio.

6 thoughts on “Thai Bus Porn: 35 Revealing Photos”

    • Ohhh there is no doubt that everything about these buses — from the artwork to the massive speakers molded into the front cab — is over the top Andrew. Often times they travel in packs of 6 or 8 as well, making them a real sight to see when they come cruising down the tight roads of these little villages with their music and lights blasting. Over the last few months I’ve been in and out around Thailand but regardless of where I am, I always know when the weekend has arrived because all these VIP buses come out to play.

      As garish as they may be, they are certainly fun for a short few hour trip — definitely not a 12-hour overnighter 😉

  1. These buses look great! Very colourful OK! Very bright OK. And possibly, ear-piercingly loud very OK, to experience once in a blue moon lol! However, if you’re going to be in a “VIP” bus, I’d pick any of the above, forget a bit of a nap, and make a party out of it!
    ‘Love it!


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