10 Reasons To Drop Everything And Travel Right Now

Traveling is one of the most rewarding experiences you can ever have. Unfortunately, many people allow life’s stresses to get in the way. Don’t be one of them! Sure, there may be one or two reasons why you shouldn’t travel, but there are literally hundreds of reasons why you should drop everything and travel right now! Here are just a few of the reasons why its time to hit the road this summer and visit somewhere new 🙂

Presenting the top 10 reasons to drop everything and travel right now! #travel #inspiration #traveltips #inspirational #guide #vacation #motivation #motivationalmonday

Top 10 Reasons To Travel Right Now!

1. To Learn Something About Yourself

Travel is all about throwing yourself into the unknown and experiencing new things. When you’re faced with challenges like having to navigate foreign languages and transportation systems you learn more about yourself and what you’re capable of. This is especially true if you’re traveling solo, a truly empowering experience.

Welcome to colorful Colorado

2. To Build Your Resume

You’re never too young or too old to build your resume. Travel helps you to enhance a variety of skills in a first-hand manner. While learning foreign languages enhances communication skills, being able to adjust to new situations helps you become more adaptable. Additionally, bargaining in markets helps with negotiation, trip planning enhances strategizing abilities and sorting out issues along the way makes you a better problem solver.

Signs on Easter Island pointing to Hawaii and Tahiti, inspiring you to travel right now
Signs on Easter Island pointing to Hawaii and Tahiti

3. To Get Away And Disconnect

Angry bosses. Problems at home. Daily life stresses. Get away from everyday life and immerse yourself in a new place where your worries are far behind. To really enhance the experience, leave your electronics behind and truly disconnect. Remember, the more you disconnect the more you’ll truly be immersed in your destination.

View from the top of Diamond Head Vocano in Hawaii
View from the top of Diamond Head Volcano in Hawaii

4. Because Life Is Short And The World Is Huge

Life truly is short, so you need to make the most of it. Stop making your travel bucket list longer and actually start knocking some of the items off. The world is a big place, with many destinations to discover and experiences to have. Do you want your last thoughts on Earth to be about all the things you wanted to do, or all the things you did do?

5. To Learn Something New

Traveling is a great opportunity to try something you’ve never done who’re. Not only are you naturally in a more adventurous mindset, you’re also exposed to opportunities that you don’t have at home. Sample a new food, go mountain climbing, take part in a local festival or learn a cultural skill like tai chi or tango dancing. It’s a fun way to enrich your life while experiencing a new destination.

Yunnan Nationalities Village in China
Watching a local dance performance at the Yunnan Nationalities Village in China

6. To Meet New People

When traveling, you have the opportunity to interact with locals and learn more about what life is really like for the people of the destination. Ask questions, make conversation and, if possible, hangout with locals in their favorite spots for a firsthand glimpse of community life.

Making local friends in Minggir, a small village not far from Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Making local friends in Minggir, a small village not far from Yogyakarta, Indonesia

7. To Experience A New Culture

Whether your travel to another country or domestically you’ll have the chance to experience a new culture. Dive in and learn as much as you can through food, classes, attractions, interactions and random experiences. It’s an easy way to become a more worldly, open-minded person, and can be a very eye-opening experience.

See More       Cultural Travel Guides

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8. To Try Delicious Foods

One of the best ways to experience a destination is through the local food. Travel allows you to break away from any diets restraints and sample exciting new dishes you’ve never tried, and maybe even never heard of. Asado in Argentina, cemitas in Mexico and pasta in Italy are just some of the mouth-watering culinary experiences to have around the world.

See More       Derek Eats That! Video Series   Culinary Achievements Around The Globe

9. To Enrich Your Life

Everyone wants to improve their life, right? So what are you waiting for, this is one of the best reasons to travel right now! International travel enriches your life through all the reasons mentioned above, so why not give yourself that opportunity? Discover interesting new cultures, learn something new, experience new things and become a more well-rounded, fulfilled person in general.

10. Because The Time Is Now!

Stop making excuses on why you can’t travel. Work will always be stressful, there will always be things to do at home and you’ll never have as much money as you’d like, so stop worrying and realize these problems will be there whether you travel or not. In the meantime, you might as well see the world and leave the problems at home for awhile, right 😉

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  // azwegers

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About The HoliDaze

Since 2008 The HoliDaze has been inspiring people to travel different. Don't just do what everybody else does. Get off the beaten path, befriend some locals and discover the hidden gems. Be a traveler, not a tourist. We'll help show you how.

7 thoughts on “10 Reasons To Drop Everything And Travel Right Now”

    • The amount of people I’ve met (particularly on airplanes) who have said “I wish I’d started traveling at your age” is staggering. So glad we started young 🙂

  1. Jessie spot on buddy! I learned SO much about me and my potential by circling the globe. Diving into my fears freed me of my miserable comfort zone, and this is the specific point where I began discovering who I was and what I am capable of. Thanks for sharing 🙂


    • As the old saying goes, “sometimes you have to lose yourself to find yourself” — the hard part is convincing people to overcome any fears and be willing to “lose themselves” in the first place 😉


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