The Indonesia Tour de Horror: Are You Ready For This?

The haunted locations and dates for the first leg of the Tour de Horror have been finalized. At the beginning of May I will be flying in to Bali to meet with my partner Jenny Jusuf (@JennyJusuf), who will be accompanying me on this adventure. We should make a perfect duo because she believes in ghosts and spirits and me, well, I’m a bit more skeptical.

What Is The Tour de Horror?

Lokasi berhantu dan tanggal-tanggal untuk bagian pertama Tour de Horror telah diputuskan. Awal bulan Mei aku akan terbang ke Bali untuk bertemu partner-ku Jenny Jusuf, yang akan bergabung denganku dalam petualangan ini. Kami bakal jadi duet yang sempurna karena Jenny percaya hantu dan aku nggak takut hantu.

  Ini artikel kedua aku dalam bahasa Indonesia. Untuk informasi lebih baca Tour de Horror

Tour de Horror

We also now have an official logo for the Tour de Horror courtesy of our friend Ary (@mozta_). Thanks again for the great work, we love it!

Sekarang kami punya logo resmi untuk Tour de Horror, dari teman kami Ary. Makasih banyak sekali lagi untuk logonya, kami suka!

Tour de Horror

  Our Itinerary   /   Rencana Perjalanan

We begin in Bali and work our way west through eastern Java, central Java, and then finally western Java. In Jakarta we will pause and take a brief break from ghosts and spooky locations while we finalize the locations for Sumatra.

Kami akan mulai dari Bali dan menempuh perjalanan ke barat lewat Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah, dan Jawa Barat. Di Jakarta kami akan istirahat sebentar dari hantu dan lokasi berhantu sambil menentukan tempat-tempat yang akan kami kunjungi di Sumatera.

Tour de Horror: Our Java Itinerary

  Kami masih menunggu sumbangan ide tentang lokasi dari teman-teman semua. Siapa tahu kami bakal datang ke kota kalian! Silakan beri komentar di bawah (dlm bhs Indo atau inggris) dan rekomendasikan ke aku!


We are looking for sponsors to help alleviate some of the costs associated with trips. This includes accommodations, merchandise/supplies, transportation, and anything else that could be of assistance. If interested you can view our media kit and reach us by using my contact page or giving either myself or Jenny a shout on Twitter. (Her bahasa is better than mine ;))

  Kami mencari sponsor untuk membantu meringankan sebagian biaya yang berhubungan dengan perjalanan ini. Biaya ini mencakup akomodasi, perbekalan, transportasi, dan hal-hal lain yang berguna. Kalau tertarik, kamu bisa melihat media kit kami dan menghubungi kami lewat halaman kontakku atau Twitter-ku dan Jenny. (Bahasa Indonesia Jenny lebih bagus dari aku.)

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About Derek Freal

"Some people eat, others try therapy. I travel." Β  Cultural enthusiast. Adrenaline junkie. Eater of strange foods. Chasing unique and offbeat adventures around the world since 2008. Derek loves going to new destinations where he does not speak a word of the local language and must communicate with hand gestures, or places where he is forced to squat awkwardly to poo -- supposedly its healthier and more efficient. For more information (about Derek, not squat pooing) including popular posts and videos, check out his bio.

18 thoughts on “The Indonesia Tour de Horror: Are You Ready For This?”

  1. Hi Huyen I went to Dong Hoi and was relaxing there when I got very sick…recovering now but fly to Singapore today for a meeting. Left my motorcycle in Dong Hoi so I will return to pick it up and then visit you and BΓΉi again. Do you miss me yet? Hehehe πŸ˜‰

  2. Hey Mike, no worries, let that never stop you from sharing. We don’t need any more people joining us on this trip but we’d 1) like to bring additional people in on future installments of the Tour de Horror and 2) need all the support we can get…so please don’t worry or be apologetic, you’ve been nothing short of a phenomenal friend! Miss you bro πŸ™‚

  3. Yup Mike, just ate first real solid meal in days and (for better or worse) following it up with a much needed “I’m not dead” beer with my buddy Ren in Singapore. While working, of course. Have to play catch-up now :/

  4. Hey Alley do I know your bf? Anyway what I really need this first part of the trip is sponsors hehehe. But if it goes well then going to return to some of the best locations with more people. Been a lot of interest so far πŸ™‚

    • Thanks Britany. You know what’s even more awesome? I (correction: we, Jenny and I) got a book for the Tour de Horror! Just finished meeting with the publisher and editor a few minutes ago. Turns out my first print book will be in Bahasa Indonesia…this should be interesting lol. I also want to release an English version as well, probably in eBook form, however I completely forgot to bring this up during the meeting. Will have to inquire about that soon. Needless to say I’m ever more excited about TdH now πŸ˜€

      Be sure to follow along on Twitter with the hashtag #tourdehorror — it kicks off in two weeks πŸ™‚

  5. Hi, Derek! I definitely suggest Lawang Sewu, but you probably already jotted it in your list. I’ve experienced a LOT of creepy stuffs there. Anw, if you hit Sumatera, don’t forget to visit Palembang, they have Bukit Siguntang where they buried most of the princes, princesses, and knights of Sriwijaya Kingdom. I once experienced a really bad one on there and never visit that place again ever since 😐
    Also Bandar Lampung has Sumur Putri, the water in the well is never dry. People believe it’s because there’s a spirit of giant on there. Gosh I need to stop lol. Good luck to the team!

    • Thanks Ann! Yup, I have heard much about Lawang Sewu. That is the main reason we are visiting Semarang…actually the only reason. If you know of anywhere else spooky in Semarang then please let me know as well πŸ™‚

      Appreciate the suggestions for Sumatra as well — we are still trying to decide on which locations to visit there. Bukit Siguntang and Sumur Putri are new locations to me. Oh I’m so excited! Thanks again for the advice and information and be sure to tune in to our adventures on Twitter using the hashtag #tourdehorror πŸ™‚

    • Hi Derek πŸ™‚ nice to know you. Wow, I just remember, I saw you in New Famili 100! haha. Please contact me if u interest to visit Bukit Siguntang in Palembang. πŸ™‚

      • Hey, thanks for the comment! Oh yes, New Famili 100 was fun but Tukul spoke SO fast! Luckily my bahasa has gotten much better since then hehehe πŸ˜‰ I’m in Malaysia right now but will be coming back to Sumatra when I return. Will send you an email then, thanks πŸ™‚


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